The Czech commercial broadcasters Nova, Prima and Ocko have demanded the withdrawal of an amendment to media legislation that will lead to an increase in the receiver licence fee.
United Group to accelerate Greek fibre rollout
United Group and Nova have unveiled a new company that will construct and operate a fibre-optic network in Greece.
New landmark for Greek Nova
United Group’s Greek operator Nova has now surpassed 400,000 TV subscribers.
Major Czech anti-piracy agreement
The Czech broadcasters Nova, Prima and Ocko have reached a major milestone in the fight against illegally shared content.
Nova sports channels gain subscribers
The premium channels Nova Sport 3 and 4 have attained a total of a million subscribers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in their first year of operation.
Joint management team for Greece’s Nova and Wind
United Group has unveiled a joint management team for Nova and Wind that will lead the merger of the two Greek telco businesses.
Novasports wins Premier League rights
United Group’s Greek subsidiary Nova has secured exclusive rights to the Premier League for the next six seasons.
Major United Group roles for Nikolai Andreev and Dirk Gerkens
United Group has appointed Nikolai Andreev CEO of its Bulgarian operator Vivacom, effective December 1.
New channel for Czech Nova
The Czech national commercial broadcaster Nova has launched a new thematic channel aimed specifically at women.
Enhancements for Czech HbbTV services
The Czech broadcaster Prima has announced a new design for the iPrima application, the flagship of its HbbTV platform.