According to a new report from The Diffusion Group (TDG), 74% of millennials that use a home network describe their use as either equally or primarily media-oriented, a rate that decreases linearly with age.
The In-Home Video and PC Ecosystem, TDG’s newest release, notes that this is coincidental with the fact that young adults consume greater amounts of online media in the home from sources like Netflix, certainly more so than their older counterparts.
While the percentage of media-oriented network users is relatively equal among the two Millennial segments, differences do exist. For example, among Late Millennials (18-24s), 24% are media-centric network users, significantly higher than Early Millennials (25-34s) at 15%.
However, hybrid use (that is, equal use of the network for media and data purposes) was selected by 58% of Early Millennials compared with only 49% of Early Millennials.
“Most interesting is how rapidly this media orientation drops off as the age of the home network user increases,” noted Michael Greeson, TDG president and co-author of the new report.
“Beyond Millennials, this emphasis shifts incrementally toward a more data-driven behavior characterized by the use of net-connected, networked PCs for ‘productivity’ or non-media needs.”