Ultra HD (UHD) TV sets are increasingly displacing HD sets in Germany.
According to GfK Retail & Technology, the share of UHD TVs in the overall TV market in 2019 was just under 65%, and in Q4 2019, it was already over 70% – with a further upward trend.
For 2020, German industry association Deutsche TV-Plattform therefore expects that three out of four TV sets sold will be Ultra HD devices.
In 2019, around 4.2 million UHD displays were sold in Germany (up 12% on 2018). Since 2014, a total of around 14 million units have been sold.
Consumers can find an overview of Ultra HD sets and further information on the new TV standard at www.uhdr.de, Deutsche TV-Plattform’s information portal on Ultra HD and HDR.
Meanwhile, the trend towards larger TV sets continued in 2019. The most popular were 55-inch flat screens with almost 1.5 million units sold. The strongest growth was recorded in the 65-inch screen section with a 23% increase over the previous year.