Mobile devices have strongly gained importance for internet usage in Germany with the penetration of tablets among people between 14 and 64 years of age having grown from 17% to 29% within one year.
67% in this age group own a smartphone. 2014 the share amounted to 59%, 2013 to just 43%. The figures were released in the ninth edition of research series TNS Convergence Monitor, a joint study by ARD-Werbung Sales & Services, ZDF, Deutsche Telekom and RTL subsidiary IP Deutschland.
The people in the 14-64 years age group spend one third (33%) of their time online using a smartphone and 9% using a tablet. The growing popularity of mobile devices has decreased the usage of PCs and notebooks with their share dropping from 63% to 52%.
The total time spent online for private, non-job-related reasons now amounts to 106 minutes per day – a growth by 13 minutes compared with 2014. With a share of just 2%, internet usage through smart TV sets doesn’t really play a role yet.
People between 14 and 29 years of age already mainly use mobile devices to surf the net: 50% of their time spent online is through a smartphone, further 8% by using a tablet.