Ukraine may shortly see the launch of a new DTH platform operated by the company Datagroup.
Quoting Aleksandr Dachenko, a former CEO and now an MP, and Maxim Smelyanets, its current CEO, speaking at an event marking Datagroup’s 15th anniversary, Mediasat reports that such a service is very much on its agenda.
Dachenko said that as the Ukrainian market has few DTH providers, he is currently negotiating with a number of satellite operators on the establishment of a national DTH service.
He added that the results of the discussion should be announced in September.
Meanwhile, Smelyanets said that while the company may provide TV services in addition to its current internet offer, it would be premature to say anything more at this stage.
He added that all details will be made available this autumn.
Datagroup has worked with Eutelsat for a number of years and Apostolos Triantafyllou, the latter’s senior VP of sales, said that Datagroup would use the new satellite Eutelsat 9B at 9 degrees East not only for satellite communications services and the internet but also have the capacity to broadcast Ukrainian channels.
Although it is far from certain that Datagroup will launch a DTH platform, there is a general feeling that a new one, the operator of which is as yet unknown, may soon make its debut.
Ukraine has nevertheless proved to be something of a graveyard for DTH platforms, with up to four closing since 2010.
The most recent of these, says Mediasat, was Xtra TV in May, though Broadband TV News has not been able to confirm this and the service’s website is still up.
MTG-backed Viasat Ukraine remains operational.