Over a quarter (27%) of affluent Europeans are now established 3-screen users, according to EMS Deep dive, a new study just published by Ipsos.
Yet significantly, these users are not consuming less traditional media but more media overall on smartphones and tablets.
The study, which looked at 1,074 of the top 13 earners in four European countries, also found that 94% of TV viewing still takes place on a traditional TV traditional screen; a significant part of the audience of international media is consumed via digital platforms; and that while international TV brands still reach their audience mainly via the TV set, large parts of the audience are also reached by other devices such as the laptop or PC.
Furthermore, the UK leads in the adoption and usage of digital devices, with four out of five using smartphones and just under half tablets.
Interestingly, the study also found that the take-up of connected TVs is still quite low (12%), with most using them to watch more TV rather than access the internet.
Heavy social media users (21%), defined as using 1+ hours per day, are also heavy internet users.