The Munich based German private broadcaster Tele 5 has joined the HD+ platform on the Astra satellite position of 19 degrees East. It is the 12th channel on the satcaster’s HD platform for German viewers.
The new addition to the satellite’s HD line-up comes at the time when Astra launched a big promotional campaign for the platform with dozens of TV spots.
The tagline of the campaign is “He who has no HD+, can not enjoy the most beautiful moments of HD.” HD+ channels are encrypted and viewers need a certified satellite receiver and a smart card to receive the channels. The first year viewing comes free, after which a yearly fee of €50 is due.
The HD+ platform now consists of all the main channels from the two biggest private broadcasters, ProSiebenSat.1 (ProSieben HD, Sat.1 HD, Kabel eins HD and Sixx HD) and RTL Deutschland (RTL HD, RTL 2 HD and Vox HD), as well as Sport 1HD, N24 HD, Comedy Central HD and Nickelodeon HD. Tele 5 is the latest addition.