The number of broadband internet subscriptions in Moldova stood at 455,000 as of the end of June, or 37.5% more than a year earlier, according to data produced by the country’s National Regulatory Agency (ANRCETI).
Fixed connection rose by 38.8% year-on-year to 310,000, while mobile ones grew by 34.9% year-on-year to over 144,800.
The number of fixed broadband subscribers increased by 41,000 in H1 this year, with the majority (30,500, or 74.7%) opting for the incumbent telco Moldtelecom.
Starnet and Sun Communications, also leading providers, gained 5,100 (12.5%) and 2,900 (7.1%) respectively.
As of the end of June, almost half of all new subscribers (47.9%) were connected to the internet via fibre-optic networks, 44.3% via ADSL and 7.8%.
As a result, ADSL accounted for 60% of all internet connections, fibre networks 36% and network TV 3.5%.
Moldtelecom had over 220,000 fixed broadband subscribers, Starnet around 53,000 and Sun Communications 11,800, with the remaining providers accounting for over 24,700.