User Interfaces on the latest German HD personal video recorders (PVRs) still have a long way to go to meet industry best practice, according to the latest study by The Brian Behind.
Usability Study: HD PVRs in Germany ranks the various set-top boxes introduced to the market by satellite operator Sky Deutschland, IPTV platform T-Entertain (Deutsche Telekom) and devices from cablecos Unitymedia, Kabel Deutschland and others. The study also looks at hybrid equipment for the Maxdome OTT service and the Videoweb TV sets. There is also a preview of the hybrid IPTV service from Vodafone Germany.
Although some improvements have been made by the operators, none are really ready for the challenge of Over The Top and Hybrid solutions that now come on the market. Television has been the “king” of media for quite some time now – but it is facing a mounting challenge from the internet and the inevitable erosion of its business model. Developing a user-friendly User Interface could be one of the answers, according to The Brain Behind.
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