June 2009 was th best-ever month for VOD in the US, delivering more than 589 million transactions. There was an average of 16.5 minutes of VOD viewing a day per active unique set-top box, according to the Portland-based research firm Rentrak Corporation.
According to the survey, year-to-year comparison for the month of June delivered a 15% increase in overall VOD transactions and a 16% increase in the number of unique set top boxes (STBs) accessing VOD. Additionally, free-on-demand (FOD) Kids content was up 7% from May figures and delivered its strongest month of the year, with more than 106 million transactions.
June is historically a strong month for transactional-on-demand (TOD) viewing, and TOD continued this trend by delivering the highest number of transactions in a single month so far this year for the category.