IBC 2007 (Stand 1.560)
Dutch 1.3 million subscriber cable operator Casema has chosen the Ruwido slimline remote control for use with all of its of interactive TV services.
“The remote control is a central part of our interactive TV services” says Tijn Smithuis, Product Developer at Casema. “Therefore we have paid attention to even the smallest detail in the development of this remote control, as it is our declared objective not only to provide the user with highly intelligent technology but also to impart a harmonious overall experience”.
According to the manufacturer, the slimline product range was created in co-operation of scientific institutions, universities and industry partners. Through ethnographic studies and in-depth research, itexplored modern tv consumers habits and needs and adapted slimline according to the results.
Casema is currently being merged with Multikabel and @Home, to the country’s largest MSO with over 3.2 million subscribers, so expect the Ruwido remote to show up at the integrated operator as well.