Marius Catalin Marinescu was appointed President of ANCOM in April 2009 for a six-year term. A telecommunications engineer, he has worked in this sector since 1990, both for companies such as Romtelecom (15 years) and public institutions such as the Inspectorate General for Communication and Information Technology, which he presided over between 2005 and 2007, or the General Council of Bucharest. His professional interests cover mainly the areas of leadership skills, international relations, as well as human resources policies. At international level, Marius Catalin was Chairman of the Council of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2013 and Vice-Chairman of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) in 2012. At present, he simultaneously holds the positions of Chairman of the Network of the Telecommunications Regulators from the French Speaking Countries (FRATEL) and Chairman of the European Post Regulators Group (ERGP).