The Czech national transmission company CRA has started the second phase of testing 5G broadcast technology.
Commenting on the development, Milos Mastník, CEO of CRA, said: “We are a traditional leader in testing new technologies in television broadcasting, and we confirm this position also in the case of 5G Broadcast technology.
“Broadcasting in 5G can bring viewers their favorite programs to mobile phones and tablets without having to use mobile data, it is more economical and more ecological than the current technology”.
The test broadcasts are being undertaken from two Prague transmitters – Zizkov and Strahov. Broadcasting will be carried out within a single-frequency network, in the case of Zizkov, with the same power as currently broadcast in DVB-T2. The purpose of the test is to verify signal coverage in Prague and the possibility of mobile reception of TV broadcasts and the setting of various modulation schemes to ensure optimal broadcast parameters. During the current test broadcast, CRA wants to gain practical knowledge about the available technology, parameters when using a single-frequency network and compare the coverage with the previous test from 2022, when it was broadcast only from the Zizkov transmitter.
CRA notes that in addition to the Czech Republic, broadcasting using 5G Broadcast technology is also being tested in other European countries including Germany, Austria or Italy. During the Olympics in Paris next year, France is also planning to use 5G Broadcast.