The iliad Group has made changes to Free’s management structure, with Nicolas Thomas and Thomas Robin becoming Free’s CEO and CFO respectively.
They have held managerial roles within the iliad Group for over ten years, in both Italy and France.
From now on, there will be an executive team specifically dedicated to each of the group’s operators in the different countries where it conducts business – France, Italy and Poland. This new organisation structure will take effect on March 6 this year.
The executive management team of the iliad Group, headed by CEO Thomas Reynaud, and Nicolas Jaeger, deputy CEO, will oversee all of the group’s operating countries and subsidiaries, will monitor that the strategic plan and climate plan are effectively implemented, and will prepare the group’s future developments.
Commenting on the change, Thomas Reynaud said: “This change is very logical. It’s a good thing – at a time when our group’s headcount is approaching 17,000 people serving some 46 million subscribers – that each operator has its own management structure. Thanks to this change there will be more sharing of best practices between our operators in each different country.
And that’s the key to affirming our position as a European leader – by being ever-more innovative, ever-more subscriber focused and ever-more attuned to our employees”.
Nicolas Thomas added: “I am delighted to have this opportunity to lead Free, its teams, and its innovation capacity ever higher, while continuing to convey its fundamental values of liberty, honesty and simplicity”.