Orange Slovensko has launched its Android TV offering with DRM solutions supplied by Viaccess-Orca (VO).
VO’s DRM will provide the Slovak operator with state-of-the-art security solutions for content protection and multi-DRM management, simplifying the delivery of OTT streaming and IPTV services on Android TV set-top boxes (STBs).
Commenting on the development, Martin Lednár, service platforms and products manager at Orange Slovensko, said: “Introducing an Android TV offering enriches the television experience for our subscribers. However, it’s imperative that the content we’re delivering is well protected.
“VO’s DRM solutions are embedded in our headend and at the STB level to ensure end-to-end protection. VO’s DRM solutions have passed rigorous industry assessments, which gives us the confidence that our content is safe, even as piracy continues to evolve”.
Pierre-Alexandre Bidard, VP of partnerships and security products management at Viaccess-Orca, added: “Orange Slovensko has the prestigious reputation for operating a countrywide network covering 99% of the Slovakian population, and we’re excited to take its TV offering to the next level.
“Our one-stop-shop DRM solutions secure IPTV and OTT services, with deployment options on-premises and in the cloud, making them flexible, scalable, and future-proof”.