BBC Studios will launch its own production company BBC Studios Germany on January 1, 2021, gaining an independent presence on the German market.
In return, the cooperation with All3Media in the joint venture Tower Productions will be terminated after 10 years on December 31, 2020. All3Media will acquire BBC Studios’ shares in Tower Productions at the end of the year.
Dietlinde Stroh, who has been managing director of Tower Productions since January 2019, will remain as the head of the company.
The repositioning follows BBC Studios’ new strategic positioning, driven by the merger of its production and distribution businesses in the UK. Tower Productions and BBC Studios Germany will act as separate players in the German production market, but will continue cooperating on some projects.
Managing director Philipp Schmid will head production and distribution at BBC Studios Germany. Markus Templin joins the company as head of entertainment. He most recently worked in the same role for ZDF Digital and previously as head of show at Tower Productions.
Carsten Coenen will be head of production, joining BBC Studios Germany from Warner Brothers International Television Production, Germany, while BBC Studios’ Karolin Engl-Lubbatakes takes on a newly enhanced role as head of business and legal affairs and commercial director.