Netflix has insisted that a new function that enables subscribers to vary the speed at which they watch content is a test limited to mobile devices alone.
Filmmakers including The Incredibles director Brad Bird and Knocked Up’s Judd Apatow have expressed concern over the functionality that is being tested on Android phones.
Apatow, who is also behind Netflix series Love, described the function as “ridiculous and insulting”.
In a blog post Keela Robison, Vice President said the ability to vary the speed at which they watch on phones or tablets – choosing from normal to slower (0.5X or 0.75X) or faster (1.25X and 1.5X) was a feature long available on DVD players and that it had often been requested by subscribers.
“We’ve been sensitive to creator concerns and haven’t included bigger screens, in particular TVs, in this test. We’ve also automatically corrected the pitch in the audio at faster and slower speeds. In addition, members must choose to vary the speed each time they watch something new – versus Netflix maintaining their settings based on their last choice,” said Robsion, adding there were no plans to roll out any of the features in the short term.
In addition to the speed function, Netflix said the new functionality also included the ability to lock the screen and find language and audio settings more easily.