The leading Ukrainian cable operator Volia has confirmed its desire to help in the development of the country’s broadband infrastructure.
Speaking at a meeting of key telecom players with the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Gyorgy Zsembery, the company’s CEO, said that leadership and market regulation are important factors in creating a vibrant digital economy in Ukraine. In addition, it is necessary to give a clear definition of “broadband access” in accordance with the law of the country.
Zsembery added that, “if you have clear standards, you will be able to form a whole market, set players and the areas in which they are ready to invest. As long as there are 6,000 internet providers in the country, it will be difficult to carry out this process”.
He also said that although Volia has been looking into the possibility of building a network in rural areas, this would take a long time and produce virtually no return on investment. As a result, a different business model is required and Volia would be willing to partner with the state to build such a network.
Ukraine aims to have 70-80% broadband coverage by 2020.
To achieve this target the government plans to attract additional investment.