KPN gained an additional 27,000 IPTV and 12,000 broadband subscribers in the first quarter.
As of the end of March, the company had a total of 2,336,000 customers, of which 2,030,000 opted for IPTV. Its broadband subscriber total stood at 2,885,000.
Meanwhile, ARPU per household increased by 5% year-on-year to €42.
In its latest set of results, the company notes that fixed-mobile bundles now represent 45% of its post-paid base (35% in Q1 2016) and 39% of the fixed broadband base (31%).
Its post-paid base grew by 2,000 in Q1, while post-paid ARPU increased by 4% year-on-year to €26.
KPN Group’s adjusted revenues in Q1 amounted to €1,648 million (-2.4% year-on-year) and adjusted EBITDA €584 million (+2.8%). Its net profit was €92 million (+92%).
Commenting on the results, KPN’s CEO Eelco Blok said: “In the first quarter of 2017, our market leading household proposition continued to deliver strong results in Consumer. In Business, our customers are migrating increasingly to integrated solutions. Furthermore, we strengthened our capabilities in security and cloud-based services by completing two acquisitions.
“We have made a promising start to the second wave of our Simplification program, which continues to drive substantial quality and customer satisfaction improvements across all segments in The Netherlands, resulting in structural spend savings.”