Liberty Global will get DOCSIS 3.1 up and running by the end of the year.
“We’re going to be able to deliver significantly higher speeds than today,” Colin Buechner, managing director Access Network told Cable Congress.
“Our plan is to introduce DOCSIS 3.1 at the end of this year, when the first networks are migrated over. We’ll do most of the networks in 2018 and that will come with the first 1 Gigabit services in the majority of our markets.”
As previously reported in Broadband TV News, there are already plans to bring DOCSIS 3.1 to Unitymedia households in Germany.
Thomas Helbo, Chief Technical Officer, Com Hem said the Swedish net wasn’t seeing consumer demand for even higher speeds, but the fibre providers were ramping up their advertising to boast of greater speeds, and that was forcing the operator’s hand.
“We have a C-CAP rollout,” he said, “We want to do DOCSIS 3.1 to ensure we have the best capacity and push that out to the market.”