There is “no dialogue” between Vivendi and Mediaset, according to Tarak Ben Ammar, member of the board of directors of Vivendi.
“Today, there is no dialogue for obvious reasons. There is an investigation [of justice], there is the Consob [the Italian financial authority] and there is the Agcom (the supervisory authority for
Telecommunications in Italy), which have started investigation,” he told French press agency AFP.
Ben Ammar said he is a friend of both Silvio Berlusconi (Mediaset) and Vincent Bolloré (Vivendi), “I am a man of dialogue and peace If they want to make peace, I’m here. Otherwise, there are lawyers.”
In April 2016 Vivendi and Mediaset announced a ‘industrial partnership’ that later collapsed amid acrimony. Last December, Vivendi confirmed that it is on the edges of a 30% holding in Vivendi.