A supervisor at a Leeds hotel has been ordered to pay over £10,000 in fines after being convicted of illegally showing Sky Sports on the premises.
Martin Adamson of the Bay Horse Hotel was found guilty in his absence at Leeds Crown Court of two offences of dishonest reception of a television transmission (a Sky televised football match). The act is in breach of Section 297 (1) of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988. In addition to receiving a criminal conviction, Adamson was ordered to pay a total of £10,554 in fines and costs.
Stephen Gerrard, Prosecuting Manager, FACT said “This case clearly demonstrates that if a licensee shows Sky broadcasts in their premises by any other means than a Sky commercial viewing agreement they will be prosecuted. If convicted they will receive an unlimited fine and can expect to pay substantial legal costs. Additionally, they risk having their Personal Licence suspended or revoked.”
This conviction was carried out by FACT on behalf of its members and forms a key part of Sky’s commitment to protecting pubs who invest in legitimate Sky Sports subscriptions.
George Lawson, Head of Commercial Piracy at Sky, said: “We’re committed to protecting Sky customers who are unfairly losing business due to this illegal activity and this case is just the latest in our efforts to ensure they are not left short-changed.”
The Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT)was established to protect and represent the interests of its members’ Intellectual Property.