German media company ProSiebenSat.1 will launch a news and documentary channel in Austria in autumn 2016.
From summer 2016, 4 News, as the channel is called, will be available on the internet and as a smartphone/tablet app (iOS/Android) already, Markus Breitenecker, managing director of Austrian subsidiary ProSiebenSat.1 Puls 4, told Austrian industry magazine Horizont.
With the launch as a linear TV channel, cable and satellite distribution will commence. The whole offer will be free of charge and ad-supported.
4 News will compete with two services currently planning their launch. On May 1, 2016 German news channel N24 will open a window for Austrian viewers. N24 Austria will be available via cable and satellite.
Austrian media group Mediengruppe Österreich will launch news channel Live on September 1, 2016.