Arqiva has added the Foxxum App Store to the user interface of its Connected Operator solution.
As part of Arqiva’s out-of-the-box Hybrid TV solution, the app store will offer an enhanced experience to the TV viewer. It will also enable the service provider, such as retailers and operators, to connect directly with their customer base through customised applications, to push promotional and commercial opportunities.
Arqiva will build and integrate the Foxxum App Store into the back-end of Connected Operator, to support device manufacturers who are looking for a ready-made solution, so they can go to market faster with an app store that gives its TV viewers more content on demand. Foxxum was chosen as Arqiva’s app store partner due to its flexible approach to business.
Ronni Lutzi, CEO at Foxxum commented: “A comprehensive app store is a must on today’s connected devices. We are pleased to be the app store partner for Arqiva’s Connected Operator Hybrid User Interface”.
“Retailers and brands are realising the importance of being directly connected to their own customer base through prominent applications in the TV user interface,” said Tom Cape, director of connected solutions at Arqiva.
“To bring this capability to the Arqiva Connected Operator User Interface we have chosen Foxxum as they are an established provider of TV app store solutions and are very supportive in adapting flexibly and rapidly to Arqiva’s customer requirements.”