French broadcaster M6 has warned of a full-year decline in profit in its latest set of results.
These show that its consolidated revenues in the first quarter amounted to €312.2 million, little changed on the €311.8 million (+0.2%) posted in the same period a year earlier.
However, within that figure advertising revenues fell by 2% year-on-year to €190.1 million, with those for cable and satellite services slumping by 6.2% to €10.1 million.
M6 notes that the more limited decline (1.8%) in FTA channel advertising to €180 million was helped by the commercial innovation Puissance TNT (‘DTT Power’), which was launched on January 5 and has become the leading advertising service on DTT.
It also says that the proprietary channel W9 retained its leadership both in early primetime and amongst the under 50s throughout the day, while 6ter became the new leading DTT channel among its under 50-year old housewives target audience.
M6’s EBITA in Q1 amounted to €41.8 million, compared to €60.7 million a year earlier.