Digital TV take-up is increasing steadily in Hungary, with 67.6% of pay-TV homes opting for such services as of December 2013, according to data published by the regulator NMHH.
At the same time, pay-DTT is now an established feature of the country’s digital TV landscape, with the MinDig TV Extra platform operated by Antenna Hungária ending the year with 123,229 subscribers and an 11.8% share of the wireless broadcasting services market, which was still dominated by Digi (31.4%), Telekom (29.4%) and UPC Direct (25.3%).
There were 1,988,170 cable and IPTV subscriptions in Hungary as of December 2013, based on data provided by the nine major market players, of which 1,004,637 were digital.
The wireless subscription total, including DTH and MinDig TV Extra, meanwhile stood at 920,945.
Irrespective of technology, UPC remained the leading provider of pay-TV services, with a market share of 26.4%.
Next up were Telekom (23.7%) and Digi (22.5%).