Endemol’s approach to second screen apps is perhaps best illustrated by the performance of its highly successful format The Money Drop.
According to Branco Scherer, executive director, commercial affairs, Endemol Group, the multi-platform game show was launched in the UK in 2010 and is currently sold to over 50 territories, including the US, Australia, Russia and France.
Besides being played by contestants in the studio, it can also be played by viewers with ‘virtual money’ on tablets, smartphones and tablets, with the breakdown of usage of device being currently 26%, 31% and 43% respectively.
Scherer said that the TV version now lists over 3,000 episodes in the 50+ territories, while localised game versions are available in 20 territories.
Games apps are offered in 18 countries, covering 1,600+ episodes.
Scherer emphasised that the way viewers accessed The Money Drop via a second screen differed significantly from territory to territory. Interestingly, he also said that Endemol has six ways of monetising the show.
The first is broadcaster commissioning, as seen with ZDF in Germany.
Second is the sponsored model, for instance in Hungary, where TV2 works with BWin.com, and in Malaysia, with Maxis sponsoring the game.
Third is the sales promotion model, best illustrated in Brazil, where sbt works with Nestle.
The fourth model is D2C, where consumers pay to play, illustrated best in Spain with Antena 3.
The fifth is the indirect sales model, which sees, for instance, SBS 6 in the Netherlands work with Nationale Postcode Loterij.
The last is the direct sales/licensing model, with the best example being TV2 in Denmark, working with Danske Spil.