Curzon Home Cinema has launched on BT TV bringing films on TV on the same day as the cinema release.
The video on demand service will offer independent and world cinema on an exclusive basis to BT TV. The first major film released simultaneously on Curzon Home Cinema and in cinemas to appear on BT TV will be the The Selfish Giant on October 25.
Ther films scheduled for release simultaneously are Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf’s and Fill The Void.
As well as the opportunity to see films on the same day as cinema releases, the partnership with Curzon will offer BT TV viewers new releases on the same day as the DVD goes on sale, exclusive curated seasons and filmmaker retrospectives from Curzon Home Cinema.
Mel Alcock, COO of Curzon, said: “We are delighted to announce this new and exciting partnership with BT. It’s a wonderful way to bring Curzon’s respected content to a bigger audience and we look forward to watching our relationship with BT grow in the coming months.”
Alex Green, director of TV, BT Consumer, said: “Films are fantastically popular with BT TV customers – they watch well over two million movies on demand every month. This exciting deal will give our customers the opportunity to see some of the very best films from Britain and around the world – many on the same day they go on release in the cinema.”
The prices for films from Curzon Home Cinema on BT TV will be: Same day as cinema releases SD and HD: £10; New releases HD: £4, SD: £3.50 and Modern Greats HD: £3, SD: £2.50.