German transmitter company Media Broadcast and ProSiebenSat.1 Group have extended their agreement to extend DTT broadcasts until 2018.
ProSiebenSat.1 is the only German private TV group that commited to a long-term stay on the digital terrestrial platform. According to audiecce research by GfK, the chnnales of the broadcaster reach a relatively high percentage of the DTT viewership.
However, the channels of the private broadcaster are only availbale in selected regions. Only the channels of the pubpic broadcasters are availbal;e across all DTT transmitters in the country.
By contrast, the German ranch of RTL has dercided to terminate DTT broadcasts in a number of areas. The broadcaster claims the costs of terrestrial broadcasting is not commercially viable.
“We have decided to continue to make our channels available to the widest possible audience. By so doing, we ensure the transmission of terrestrial television for millions of households in Germany”, said Conrad Albert, member of the executive board and general counsel (legal, distribution and regulatory affairs), ProSiebenSat.1.
“We are now awaiting strong support from the government, to keep this transmission platform economically viable.”
“We are very excited about the long-term extension of the partnership with ProSiebenSat.1 for DTT distribution. Our agreement demonstrates the performance and sustainability of digital terrestrial TV”, said Bernd Kraus, CEO, Media Broadcast.