Connected TV accounts for only 2% of all programmes viewed on iPlayer and will only become one of the most successful technologies if it is made part of a consistent and seamless experience, according to Daniel Danker, GM iPlayer.
This will only be done if the industry gets together to offer such an experience rather than continue to use innovation as an excuse to offer what is a poor service to its customers.
Danker referred to iPlayer figures for Christmas 2012- January 2013 that showed a 46% growth in usage on a year earlier.
Significantly, that on mobiles and tablets increased from 13% to 36%, while on PCs fell from 58% to 41%.
Danker said there is currently a separation between live and internet TV and that the two should be brought together in a seamless transition that will produce a response of delight in viewers.
The BBC has already taken the step through its Connected Red Button service.
Danker also revealed that following a successful trial in 2012, iPlayer will this year be showing 40 hours of premier programming ahead of its screening on the BBC.