Following the success of Romance TV in Poland, German ZDF Enterprises and JV partner Mainstream Media plan further international activities.
Only one year after the launch of Romance TV in Poland on the HD satellite platform “n”, the broadcaster has already signed up more than one million subscribers. Next to satellite reception, the channel, specially designed for the Polish market, can also be received via 50 cable platforms.
According to a detailed viewer analysis by the Polish cable network operator Toya, Romance TV ranks among the Top 3 of all female-targeted broadcasters in Poland and has thus established itself as one of the most popular broadcasters among the Polish public.
The channel operator is Mainstream Networks Holding, who is the principal shareholder with ZDF Enterprises holding a 26% stake in the joint venture, which concentrates on the international distribution of pay-TV channels outside of Germany.
“The Romance TV brand has arrived in the Polish market”, said Tim Werner, managing director of Mainstream Networks and Romance TV Polska.
Further steps in the expansion of the brand presence in Poland are being planned, such as the competition for the romantic award “Blaue Blume”, which will be held for the second time in Germany in 2014, and will also offer young filmmakers in Poland the chance to generate interest in their projects.
Mobile reception (computer, tablet PC and smart-phone) of the popular series and films of Romance TV is made possible through the mobile network operator Orange.
The success of Romance TV in Poland is encouraging the joint venture to open up further international markets. Concrete negotiations are currently being conducted with platform operators in eastern Europe.
Alexander Coridass, president and CEO of ZDF Enterprises GmbH, stated: “We are delighted with the great success that Romance TV has obtained with ZDF and ZDF Enterprises programs that were hand-tailored to this platform. This interesting combination of international sales and distribution of Pay TV formats opens up a new and highly attractive growth market outside of Germany.”