The Polish DTH platform n will revamp its Multiroom offer next month.
According to Wirtualne Media, it will be available in two options from November 3.
The first, known as Premium HD, will allow for the use of two decoders that will have to be linked to the same satellite reception equipment and via a home LAN connection.
Both receivers will give access to the same programmes, VOD and recordings and allow the transfer of movies from one to the other.
The second, known as Standard HD, will allow for the use of up to six decoders.
Although being linked via a home LAN connection, they will each have to use different satellite reception equipment.
Furthermore, despite giving access to the same programming, VOD and recordings will only be accessible through a HD PVR.
The cost of receiving Multiroom HD will be reduced to PLN10 (€2.26) a month for the duration of the contract and Standard HD will be offered free of charge as part of four special offers.
Platform n is part of the TVN group, which is shortly expected to be sold to either Time Warner or Vivendi.