IP&TV Forum EurAsiaEastEurope 2011 – ISTANBUL. Magyar Telekom has room to grow with interactivity and “needs technology to expand its reach.”
As a result, according to Matthias Linder, the company’s CTO, it will be launching a new hybrid platform combining mobile TV, satellite TV, IPTV, DVB-C and analogue into a single interactive TV operation with YouTube and other (OTT) apps integrated.
Interactivity is not a new concept for Magyar Telekom, with 10% of the Deutsche Telekom-backed Hungarian telco’s TV customers already employing a Multiroom DVR solution.
So, added Linder, they are used to a ‘home cloud”.
There are also several aspects to the issue of content, with Magyar Telekom having its own channels (OzoneNetwork and LifeNetwork) and partnering up with Hungary’s leading broadcaster (RTL Klub).
Linder also said that the telco plans to increase its VOD service “by a large amount”