HCA/HCTA – Tihany. Hungary is to introduce regulations on cable subscription contracts that will require operators to inform customers 30 days in advance of any changes they plan to introduce.
Speaking in a key note presentation at this year’s HCA/HCTA conference in Tihany, Gábor Mátrai, the VP of the National Media and Telecommunications Authority (NMHH), also said that he would like to start a discussion on the issue of must-carry and the creation of a package corresponding to that offered by DTT services.
The NMHH was formed just over a year ago and recently approved a new electronic communications law, which Mátrai discussed in some detail.
He also conceded that the new legislation did not address a number of issues, including digital set-top boxes, that it would have to return to later.
On the subject of cable subscription contracts, he said that the regulation would be signed next week and November 1 had been set as the deadline for the preparation of contracts.
Regarding must-carry, he added that Hungary does not wish to go down the route of France and the Netherlands, with it being important to establish a balance.