ESPN and KPN have sigend an agreement which will bring ESPN America HD on the KPN Interactieve Televisie IPTV platform from tomorrow (September 1).
With the deal, KPN will become the first television provider in the Netherlands to offer the HD version of the sports channel. The contract also includes the SD version of ESPN America, as well as ESPN Classic.
“Anyone who has seen sports in high definition, knows it is a great addition to the viewer experience,” said Murray Barnett, VP of sports channels and syndication, ESPN EMEA, in a statement. “ESPN’s mission is to please sports fans worldwide and we have a long history to achieve the most modern technology. The launch of ESPN HD on America KPN is a good example of how we combine technology and content, allowing sports fans and our distribution partners will benefit. ”
KPN TV director Eric-Jan Doornbosch added: “We are very excited to add ESPN HD America to our portfolio. It gives our subscribers more great programming choices. “