Shenzhen State Micro Technology Co., Ltd, better known as SMiT, has been declared fully compliant with the Conax CAS7 integration kit, security requirements and the CI Plus V1.2 specification. It means that an advanced secure Conax Chipset Paring CAM with CI Plus features will be released shortly.
“Conax has been working actively in its promotion of CI modules. The rollout of integrated digital TVs in many markets has created a new demand and supplying secure CI+ modules is very important to maintain or even increase the security level in operations secured by Conax,” said Geir Bjørndal, EVP Products & Markets, Conax. “Integration of Conax conditional access technology combined with SMiT experience in CI Plus technology will create a highly attractive CI Plus solution for the operators’ demands.”
Stephen He, vice president of SMiT, added that the company was both pleased and honoured to receive the certification.
The Conax Secure Plus CAM is due to be released in the third quarter of 2010.
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