The opening plenary session of the IBC2010 conference will feature an address by Sir Michael Lyons, the chairman of the BBC Trust, on the future of public service broadcasting.
The session also includes keynote addresses by Yoshinori Imai, vice president of Japanese national broadcaster NHK, and by Ingrid Deltenre, director general of the European Broadcasting Union.
This year’s IBC conference has the title Challenging Mindsets in a Modern Media Landscape, and seeks to tackle the real commercial, creative and technical issues facing the broad industry.
One of these is the place of public service broadcasting (PSB) in an increasingly online, on demand world. Is the national and cultural role of the PSB sufficient to protect its privileged position in today’s highly competitive and commercially cut-throat world?
The second hot topic looks at the ways we will pay for content in future. How can you make money from high quality programming and trusted brands in a world seemingly obsessed with user-generated content and social media?
The IBC conference also addresses sports coverage and draws the leading players together to talk about the technical, creative and business challenges and opportunities. And linked in an important way, the fourth conference key topic looks at the future of stereoscopic 3D. It has won huge numbers of fans in the cinema but will it make it into the home? Will sport be the engine to take it there?
The IBC2010 Conference takes place between September 9 and 14, in Amsterdam.