Swedish transmission company Teracom has said its 2009 financials show it is on course to achieve its goal of becoming a player in the European TV market. The operator of the Boxer pay-TV platform reported a 14% increase in revenues at SEK 3,408 million (€335.97m), through profits fell by half to SEK 269m as the company invested in its pay-TV business.
Boxer recorded 968,500 households in Sweden, Denmark and Finland. The increase of 21,500 on the September quarter follows a period of subscriber losses. However, the 45,000 subscriber households in Denmark is lower than expected.
“Despite the economic turmoil viewers continued to spend ever more money on pay-TV, showing that they appreciate the range and simplicity of the offer made by the Group companies, said Crister Fritzson, CEO, Teracom. “Swedish Boxer’s top ranking in The Swedish Quality Index is a sign of this and the positive development of our ARPU (average revenue per user) is another.”
Fritzon reaffirmed Boxer’s plans to develop HD services on the Swedish terrestrial system during 2010.