Shipments of HD receivers accounted for a staggering 82% of the product mix for ADB Group in the first half. This compares to 70% in the first half of 2008 and 75% in the full year 2008.
Personal video recorders, both with and without HD capability, are also on the move. In the first six months of 2009 these represented 63% of the product mix, compared to 31% in the first-half 2008 and 41% of the full-year 2008.
In terms of revenues it is the emergence of the hybrid receiver that has benefitted to the bottom line, contributing 78% of product sales revenue. Interestingly, DTT sales contributed just 10% in the first half, though the announcement of new shipments into Spain may help to reverse this in the second portion of the year.
“Last year there was a big terrestrial start-up in Norway with our Grundig agreement and this pushed the sales up, but this year the market in Norway is a little cooler,” ADB CEO François Pogodalla told Broadband TV News. He added that additional sales were expected in Italy with the analogue switch off in the Turin and Rome areas.
The Geneva-based company reported first half revenues of $180 million and a positive EBIT of $13.3m.