Al Jazeera says news clips from the English language news channel are now available on the 1Cast news portal for mobile and web TV viewers.
1Cast is a broadcast platform that delivers up-to-the-minute news video to subscribers’ smartphones and the web.
Viewers are able to select the topics they want to watch, and 1Cast delivers video clips from news sources, including the Associated Press, BBC World News, Bloomberg, CBC, Reuters, CNBC,, Dow Jones, The Wall Street Journal, AllThingsD and now Al Jazeera English.
News content from 1Cast is consumed on-the-go, via iPhone, iPod Touch, Android mobile phone or on the web, and is updated continually throughout the day. Users can also share their personalised newscasts with friends via email or on platforms such as blogs, social networking sites and other web portals using the 1Cast embeddable video player.
Al jazeera is online also available on a number of video portals including Jump TV, and LiveStation. Some are free-to-view, others require a subscription.