Romania is likely to see an explosion of HD channel launches later this year.
Reporting on a Communications Day at the IT&CERF exhibition, ZF says that the Romtelecom DTH platform Dolce will add HD channels and a PVR product to its offer this autumn. UPC will meanwhile launch eight HD channels this autumn, including HBO HD and Nat Geo HD.
RCS/RDS meanwhile revealed that it meanwhile has 1.4 million cable and 1.1 million DTH subscribers in Romania, along with 950,000 and 1.25 million for its internet and telephony services respectively.
Its RGU total in Central and Eastern Europe as a whole is meanwhile 7 million.
It was also revealed at the conference that a tender for the supply of DTT reception equipment for the most needy sections of the population will be held following the adoption of digital legislation, due to be discussed by the Executive next week.
The government will pay RON623 million (€148.4 million) for this equipment.