BBC Worldwide has renewed its global agreement with YouTube, maintaining the presence of short form videos, and adding further YouTube channels for its content.
A new factual channel known as Explore will see the ‘premiere’ of new clips from BBC programmes including Amazon with Bruce Parry and Louis Theroux features such as Gambling in Las Vegas. Other new clips include The Race for Everest and Extreme Dinosaurs. The BBC recently launched Food with clips from classic cookery programmes and a dedicated channel for the United States, BBC America, will launch in the next few weeks.
Under pressure in the US from Hulu, YouTube has been exploring the addition of long form videos, where the BBC is likely to play a part. This extends the multiplatform strategy exercised by the corporation and its commercial arm. However, unlike other broadcasters that include Hulu shareholder NBC, it has not returned to the provision of video podcasts following its 2006 trial.