By adding over 110,000 new broadband internet access customers this year, German cable operator KabelBW has now reached the milestone of 350,000 broadband subscribers. This represents about 15% of the total of 2.3 million homes served.
KabelBW has invested heavily in upgrading its networks and now nearly 99% of 3.6 million households passed can connect to fast internet at up to 32 Mbps, cable telephony and digital TV. During the past two years total investments amounted to €150 million.
“Since 2007 we have created the conditions for a further 1.8 million households in Baden-Wuerttemberg to connect to fast internet,” said Klaus Thiemann, chairman of the board of Kabel BW.
Kabel BW emphases that they also have upgraded the networks in all small towns and communities served by them. “Indeed, beyond the metropolitan areas, the DSL providers often have little or no bandwidth available to DSL.
Fast internet from Kabel BW, however, is also provided in smaller communities with the maximum bandwidth available, the company claims.