ProSiebenSat.1 is reorganising its commercial television activities, bringing together Sat.1, ProSieben and Kabel Eins under a single structure in Munich. The plan means Sat.1 will move from its long-time base in Berlin with 350 employees affected. 225 job losses will be made as part of the restructuring that will also combine the SevenOne Media sales operation and SevenOne Interactive.
“Having Sat.1, ProSieben and Kabel Eins all together in Munich that’s the most important decision we’ve ever made in the German market. We now have the chance to provide the best possible programming for each station jointly,” said Andreas Bartl, executive board member for German free-TV, ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG. He added that while some people thought of Unterföhring as just a suburb of Munich, the concentration of creative TV makers had no equal in Germany.
News channel N24 will remain in Berlin as will the central editorial department of Sat.1 that will be established as a company in its own right.