Canal+ will today (September 9) launch its Canal+ à la demande service for all DTH subscribers who own a so-called Dual-S tuner with an external hard drive. With the built-in ethernet connection, viewers will be able to request programmes from the Canal+ schedule and view them on their TV set.
Selected programmes from the Canal+ channels will be available for a period of seven days. Only those programmes for which the online VOD rights have been cleared will be offered. The system uses a hybrid receiver: the main channels are received via satellite, while the VOD service is delivered via broadband access. A fast internet connection is mandatory to access the service.
Yesterday (September 8), CanalSat also launched Nat Geo Wild for the French market. The channel is the fifth from the National Geographic/Sky joint venture. Voyage, National Geographic Channel, National Geographic Channel HD and FOXlife are already available in France.