SES Sirius has announced that its new Sirius 4 satellite has been successfully launched into orbit. Sirius 4 roared into space onboard an ILS Proton rocket from Baikonur yesterday morning at 04.39 local time – 23.39 CET.
The satellite will be brought into its final orbital position within the next few weeks and made commercially available at the beginning of January 2008 after extensive in-orbit testing. It will be located at 5 degrees East and also transmit HDTV channels.
“We are very proud and satisfied that the Sirius 4 mission has been a success”, said Håkan Sjödin, Managing Director of SES Sirius in a prepared statement. “Sirius 4 will benefit our customers, extend our coverage and service in Eastern Europe.”
(Picture courtesy of ILS – International Launch Services)