BBWF – BERLIN. “The number of IPTV subscribers will grow faster than most people think,” said Michel Rahier, president of Alcatel-Lucent’s carrier business group, during a press briefing at the Broadband World Forum. “There were 5 million at the end of 2006, 11 million at the end of this year and we will see betwen 70 and 100 million in 2010. Many analysts are confirming these figures.”
Rahier also sees a change in the business model, with advertising becoming more important, “People don’t have a problem with advertising in content.” This is also the reason why Alacatel-Lucent acquired Tamblin, a company specialising in interactive advertising solutions, last September.
As advertising and sponsorship will play a major role in new media distribution and consumption, the company hopes to help telcos tap into these markets with tools enabling user profiling and presence management. Increasingly important is that media are now consumed on multiple screens, on the PC, TV and mobile phone.
During the past five years video on IP has come a long way with high def quality now possible. “This is the same evolution as from black and white television to HD colour. The quality of the experience will play a key role in the success of new broadband services.”