Thirty-two applications have been received for the second DTT mulitplex in Austria due to launch this October. These include 16 proposals for TV channels and 16 for radio stations. Due to the limited availability of spectrum space television will have priority.
The Österreichische Rundfunksender GmbH & Co KG (ORS), the technical subsidiary of pubic broadcaster ORF, and responsible for building the transmitter network, is very pleased with the interest and has to finish negotiations with the new broadcasters before mid-June. “One of the advantages of digital terrestrial is that we are able to offer more variety,” said Michael Wagenhofer, general manager of ORS.
A third multiplex will be issued later this year and will mainly be reserved for regional broadcasters and initiatives. Some space will be reserved for those applicants that were not successful this time around. The country plans to cover 80% of all households by the end of 2007, with a complete switchover due by 2009. The black spots are to be served by DTH. Until the end of March some 150,000 DTT receivers have been sold; 60,000 of these are MHP enabled.