German cable operator Unitymedia has made its streaming service Horizon Go available on PCs and tablets using Windows 10.
RTL brings Clipfish to Xbox One
German media company Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland has made its streaming portal Clipfish available on the Xbox One.
RTL rolls out TV Now on Windows 10
German commercial media group Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland has made its catch-up TV service TV Now available on operating system Windows 10.
maxdome launches on Windows 10
German video-on-demand service maxdome has released an app for PCs, laptops, smartphones and tablets using operating system Windows 10.
Sky Deutschland launches Sky Online on Windows 10
German pay-TV broadcaster Sky Deutschland has extended its partnership with Microsoft.
Zattoo launches Windows 10 app
Internet TV provider Zattoo has developed an app for Windows 10 customised for smartphones, tablets and PCs.