Compression solutions provider V-Nova has given details of the licensing terms for Entertainment Video Services.
MPEG-5 LCEVC recognised as ISO standard
MPEG-5 Part 2 LCEVC (Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding) has been promoted to MPEG/ISO final draft international standard.
V-Nova secures ‘significant’ investment from Novator Partners
Video compression specialist V-Nova has secured a ‘multi-million-pound’ investment to expand its research and development teams.
V-Nova releases Perseus Plus for Socionext high performance processor
Video compression specialist V-Nova has announced the availability of its Perseus Plus SDK for the Socionext security and broadcast solutions based on its SC2A11 processor.
Integration of PERSEUS and THEOplayer to enhance video playback
V-Nova is to integrate with the THEOplayer Universal Video Player, allowing the V-Nova PERSEUS 2 to support any HTML5 environment including browsers and connected devices.
Sky takes minority stake in V-Nova
Sky is taking a £4.5 million equity stake in video compression provider V-Nova.
Alcatel-Lucent and Oregan to offer first Perseus IP Video solution
Alcatel-Lucent is to integrate the Perseus video compression technology with its Cloud DVR platform and Oregan Network’s Multiscreen Cloud Video Client.